April 3, 2009

Facebook RANT

There are a five things that bother me about Facebook that I can no longer keep to myself. So here they are:

1)People who compulsively post on their wall. No one needs to know what you are doing or thinking every minute. Really.

2)People who have "friends" that post comments after every statement they make regardless of its quality. (Yes, I'll admit this statement is fueled by the fact that I get so few comments).

3)People who post photos of themselves that could be considered unflattering. Your enemies should be the only people who use such images against you.

4)People who include too much personal information in their profile or on their wall. (Continue posting your life story and accompanying photos if you think identity theft is just a myth).

5) The intellectuals, or perhaps the correct word is psuedo-intellectuals. Theories and outrage abound on their walls over everything from Old Navy's "inappropriate" mannequin commercial to those darn AIG bonuses. Please give me a break.


Candace said...

hmmmmmm....I would make comments if you posted more frequently ;)

I do agree about posting to often, I have hid a few people from my wall because it was annoying and I am not really friends with them.

My rant would be people wanting to be my friend from HS and I was never friends with them to begin with. It must have something to do with the numbers game. I asked someone the other day how they knew me and they just said HS. That didn't give me much information.

ems said...

Candy, I figure that if you have to ask someone how they know you, they don't need to be your "friend."

However, I do agree that the more you update your status, the more I'm likely to comment on your status. It's the same with blogging. The more posts you put up, the more likely you are to get comments. And the more comments you get, the more you will receive. You don't just get comments because you're pretty and smart. :-)

Unflattering pictures are funny. I mean, you won't see me posting any of myself....but I will laugh at unflattering pictures of others :-)